Woody Philippe
Executive Director
Woody Philippe has more than 16 years of experience. As the director of the community organization Mr. Philippe is committed to strengthening JPM's mission to become a reference to serve everyone through the various programs the organization is developing to support Haitian immigrants and other types of immigrants who may need advice. He is a person who provides support on issues of leadership, personal and organizational skills, he sets up and develops skin care programs for children. Woody Philippe has experience in accounting and finance, and uses this knowledge to help the community move forward. Mr. Philippe works with different populations and other leaders, community organizations in the state of New Jersey.
Woody Philippe gen plis pase 16 ane experyans. Kòm direktè òganizasyon kominotè mesye Philippe pran angajman pou ranfose misyon JPM pou l tounen yon referans pou sèvi tout moun a travè plizyè pwogram òganizasyon an ap devlope pou ankadre imigran Ayisyen and lòt kalite imigran ki ta bezwen konsèy. Li bay sipò sou kesyon lidèchip, kapasite pèsonèl ak òganizasyonèl, li mete kanpe epi devlope pwogram po upran swen pou ti moun. Woody Philippe gen experyans nan kontabilite ak finans, li itilize konesans sa yo pou ede kominote an vanse. Mesye Philippe travay ak diferan popilasyon ak lòt lidè, òganizasyon kominote nan leta New Jersey.