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Mayra Villegas


Mayra Villegas

Mrs. Villegas has over 17 years of professional experience in payroll and financial services. Mayra puts all her administrative capacity and dedication to the work of the organization, Ms. Villegas plays a major role in maintaining the financial needs of the organization, she speaks English and Spanish and attends to the needs of the community.

Ms. Villegas gen plis 17 eksperyans profesyonèl nan kesyon pewòl ak sèvis finans. Mayra mete tout kapisite administratif ak dedikasyon li pou fè travay òganizasyon an, Madam Villegas jwe yon gwo ròl nan kenbe bezwen finans òganizasyon an, li pale Anglè ak Panyòl epi asiste ak bezwen kominote a.

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